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Väljamakseprotsent (RTP)
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4th September - 16th October

Snakes & Ladders Live Madness

Take part in our Prize Drops and win a share of $75,000 each day!

Here's how the offers work:
  1. 1 Open Snakes & Ladders Live during the relevant promotional period.
  2. 2 Stake a minimum of $4 to be eligible for a Prize Drop.
  3. 3 Prize Drops will be awarded at random with a top prize of $20,000 each day.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

Eligible Live Game:
Prize Drops run each day from 18:01 GMT until 17:59 GMT the following day.

Number of Prizes Prize
Total: 300
This network promotion is operated by Pragmatic Play. As such, the prize-pool is shared across the network of operators.

Significant Terms and Conditions
  • Promotion runs from 18:01 GMT on 4th September until 17:59 GMT on 16th October 2024.
    Prize Drops run daily from 18:01 GMT until 17:59 GMT the following day.
  • To qualify, you need to place a minimum stake of $4 on Snakes & Ladders Live.
  • Qualifying stakes made on Snakes & Ladders Live can trigger a cash prize. You will be notified immediately in-game if a Prize Drop has been triggered. Prize Drops will be awarded at random.
  • Only your first 350 qualifying bets will be eligible for Prize Drops prizes. All qualifying bets placed after reaching this daily limit will not be eligible for a Prize Drop.
  • All prizes won are awarded as cash. You will receive a promotional in-game message informing you of your prize amount. Click Continue and your prize will be automatically credited to your withdrawable balance.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Promotion runs from 18:01 GMT on 4th September until 17:59 GMT on 16th October 2024.
    Prize Drops run daily from 18:01 GMT until 17:59 GMT the following day.
  • To qualify, you need to place a minimum stake of $4 on Snakes & Ladders Live.
  • Only your first 350 qualifying bets will be eligible for Prize Drops prizes. All qualifying bets placed after reaching this daily limit will not be eligible for a Prize Drop.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
  • By participating in the network promotion, you hereby agree to abide by these terms and conditions. This network promotion is operated by Pragmatic Play. As such, the prize-pool is shared across the network of operators.
Snakes & Ladders Live Madness Daily Prize Drops
  • Qualifying stakes made on Snakes & Ladders Live can trigger a cash prize. You will be notified immediately in-game if a Prize Drop has been triggered. Prize Drops will be awarded at random.
  • You can win more than one cash prize during the promotional period, but only one prize can be won from each individual stake.
  • The daily prize-pool for Prize Drops is $75,000. For a breakdown of prizes available, see the Snakes & Ladders Live Madness prize-pool table above.
  • The rules and prize tables are built into the participating game. The prize table updates in real time showing the number of prizes left.
  • Any undistributed portion of the prize-pool at the end of any specific daily Prize Drop will be carried forward into subsequent Prize Drops or into the next network promotion.
  • All prizes won are awarded as cash. You will receive a promotional in-game message informing you of your prize amount. Click Continue and your prize will be automatically credited to your withdrawable balance.
General Information
  • These terms and conditions are to be read in conjunction with our General Terms and Conditions.
  • Kui pakkumise tingimusi rikutakse või on tõendeid, et klient või klientide grupp on teinud panuseid, mis tänu sissemakseboonusele, preemiatele või muudele kampaaniapakkumistele tagavad üheskoos üksikisikule või isikute grupile kasumi tulemusest olenemata, on bet365l õigus pakkumiste boonuse osa tagasi nõuda või tühistada boonuse eest tehtud panused ja/või kustutada boonusega teenitud võidud. Lisaks võib bet365 võtta ebaausa tegevuse tuvastamise ja takistamisega seotud halduskulude katteks klientidelt tasu boonuse või preemiaga võrdses summas või nõuda lisamakset.
  • Pettuste ärahoidmiseks kasutab bet365 vastavaid meetmeid. bet365l on ka õigus nõuda enne mis tahes boonuse ja/või võidusumma kliendi kontole kandmist kliendilt mõistlikkuse piires dokumentide esitamist ja/või muid konto kinnitamiseks vajalikke toiminguid, et kliendi isik kindlalt tuvastada.
  • Not all games are guaranteed to be available and selected qualifying games might only be visible to customers who are logged in and verified.
  • bet365 may reclaim any prize amount that has been awarded in error.
  • Klient saab iga pakkumist kasutada ühe korra. bet365 võib igal ajal piirata kliendi või klientide grupi õigust kasutada bet365 pakkumisi, tühistada boonuse summa eest tehtud panused ja kustutada boonuse summa eest tehtud panuste võidud, kui on alust arvata, et boonuse aktiveeris korduvalt sama isik või isikute grupp.
  • bet365 võib igal ajal teha pakkumise tingimustesse muudatusi trükivigade parandamiseks või selguse või klienditeeninduse parandamiseks ja võib pakkumise seadusest tulenevate nõuete täitmiseks või tehnilise tõrke tõttu tühistada.
  • bet365 ning ettevõtte reklaami- ja muude esindajate, litsentsisaajate ja -andjate, teenusepakkujate ning muude sidus- ja tütarettevõtete rea-, vastutav- ja juhtivtöötajad ei saa kampaanias osaleda. Samad piirangud kehtivad ka nende perekonnaliikmetele.
Tagasi üles