Väljamakseprotsent (RTP)
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Väljamakseprotsent (RTP)
Keskmine protsent panusesummast, mis võitudena välja makstakse
3rd - 9th June

Soccer Warm-up

Play for a chance to win a share of 50,000 Free Spins

Opt In
Here's how it works:
  1. 1 Opt in and stake £10 cash on your favourite team of slots to register one vote.
  2. 2 Register up to 250 votes for every further £10 cash staked on either team of slots.
  3. 3 Win a share of 50,000 Free Spins based on the total number of votes you have placed on the winning team.
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.

The team of slots with the most votes at the end of the promotional period will be deemed the winner. The 50,000 Free Spins prize-pool will be divided by the total number of votes placed on the winning team. You will earn one share for each vote you have placed on the winning team during the promotional period.

Team One: Kluster Krystals Megaclusters, Templar Tumble, Temple Tumble Megaways, and The Great Pigsby Megaways.
Team Two: Book Of Power, Bill & Coin, Money Cart 4, and Money Train 3
Significant Terms and Conditions
  • Promotion runs from 00:00 GMT on 3rd June until 23:59 GMT on 9th June 2024.
  • To register a vote, you must opt in and stake £10 in cash on your chosen team of slots during the promotional period. You can stake £10 cumulatively on each slot within the team, or stake £10 on one slot. You can vote up to 250 times and you can secure Free Spins by voting for both teams of slots.
  • The featured slots in Team One are: Kluster Krystals Megaclusters, Temple Tumble Megaways, Templar Tumble and The Great Pigsby Megaways.
  • The featured slots in Team Two are: Bill & Coin, Book of Power, Money Cart 4 and Money Train 3.
  • The team with the most votes at the end of the promotional period will be the winner. The prize-pool will be divided by the total number of votes placed on the winning team and you will earn one share for each vote you have placed on the winning team during the promotional period. Qualifying players are guaranteed a minimum of one Free Spin.
  • Free Spins can be used on the following eligible slots: Bill & Coin, Book Of Power, Kluster Krystals Megaclusters, Money Cart 4, Money Train 3, Templar Tumble, Temple Tumble Megaways and The Great Pigsby Megaways.
  • Free Spins will be credited to your account within 72 hours of the qualifying period ending. Once credited, you will have seven days to claim your Free Spins. You can accept your Free Spins via the pop-up message or through the My Offers section. Once accepted you will have seven days to use your Free Spins. Any Free Spins unused by this date will be removed along with any winnings accrued.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
  • Promotion runs from 00:00 GMT on 3rd June until 23:59 GMT on 9th June 2024.
  • To register a vote, you must opt in and stake £10 in cash on your chosen team of slots during the promotional period. You can stake £10 cumulatively on each slot within the team, or stake £10 on one slot. You can vote up to 250 times and you can secure Free Spins by voting for both teams of slots.
  • The featured slots in Team One are: Kluster Krystals Megaclusters, Temple Tumble Megaways, Templar Tumble and The Great Pigsby Megaways.
  • The featured slots in Team Two are: Bill & Coin, Book of Power, Money Cart 4 and Money Train 3.
  • The team with the most votes at the end of the promotional period will be the winner. The prize-pool will be divided by the total number of votes placed on the winning team and you will earn one share for each vote you have placed on the winning team during the promotional period. For example:

    If there were a total of 6,950 votes placed on the winning team, the prize-pool of 50,000 Free Spins would be divided by 6,950 and one vote would be worth 7.2 Free spins.

    If Player A has staked £40 on the winning team of slots and therefore placed 4 votes, they would receive 4 x 7.2 Free Spins (29 Free Spins in total, rounded up).
    If Player B has staked £50 on the winning team of slots and therefore placed 5 votes, they would receive 5 x 7.2 Free Spins (36 Free Spins in total, rounded up).
    If Player C has staked £60 on the winning team of slots and therefore placed 6 votes, they would receive 6 x 7.2 Free Spins (44 Free Spins in total, rounded up).
  • Free Spins can be used on the following eligible slots: Bill & Coin, Book Of Power, Kluster Krystals Megaclusters, Money Cart 4, Money Train 3, Templar Tumble, Temple Tumble Megaways and The Great Pigsby Megaways.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
  • This offer is not available for players whose account currency is ARS.
  • In the case of a tie, the Free Spins will be shared between all qualifying players in accordance with the number of votes they have placed across both teams.
  • All qualifying players who voted for the winning team of slots are guaranteed a minimum prize of one Free Spin.
  • Free Spins will be credited to your account within 72 hours of the qualifying period ending. Once credited, you will have seven days to claim your Free Spins. You can accept your Free Spins via the pop-up message or through the My Offers section. Once accepted you will have seven days to use your Free Spins. Any Free Spins unused by this date will be removed along with any winnings accrued.
General Information
  • Free Spins are valued between £0.10 and £0.20 per spin dependent on the game played.
  • Not all games are guaranteed to be available during the promotional period and selected games will only be visible to customers who are logged in and verified.
  • Kui pakkumise tingimusi rikutakse või on tõendeid, et klient või klientide grupp on teinud panuseid, mis tänu sissemakseboonusele, preemiatele või muudele kampaaniapakkumistele tagavad üheskoos üksikisikule või isikute grupile kasumi tulemusest olenemata, on bet365l õigus pakkumiste boonuse osa tagasi nõuda või tühistada boonuse eest tehtud panused ja/või kustutada boonusega teenitud võidud. Lisaks võib bet365 võtta ebaausa tegevuse tuvastamise ja takistamisega seotud halduskulude katteks klientidelt tasu boonuse või preemiaga võrdses summas või nõuda lisamakset.
  • Pettuste ärahoidmiseks kasutab bet365 vastavaid meetmeid. bet365l on ka õigus nõuda enne mis tahes boonuse ja/või võidusumma kliendi kontole kandmist kliendilt mõistlikkuse piires dokumentide esitamist ja/või muid konto kinnitamiseks vajalikke toiminguid, et kliendi isik kindlalt tuvastada.
  • bet365 may reclaim any Free Spins that have been awarded in error.
  • Klient saab iga pakkumist kasutada ühe korra. bet365 võib igal ajal piirata kliendi või klientide grupi õigust kasutada bet365 pakkumisi, tühistada boonuse summa eest tehtud panused ja kustutada boonuse summa eest tehtud panuste võidud, kui on alust arvata, et boonuse aktiveeris korduvalt sama isik või isikute grupp.
  • bet365 võib igal ajal teha pakkumise tingimustesse muudatusi trükivigade parandamiseks või selguse või klienditeeninduse parandamiseks ja võib pakkumise seadusest tulenevate nõuete täitmiseks või tehnilise tõrke tõttu tühistada.
  • bet365 ning ettevõtte reklaami- ja muude esindajate, litsentsisaajate ja -andjate, teenusepakkujate ning muude sidus- ja tütarettevõtete rea-, vastutav- ja juhtivtöötajad ei saa kampaanias osaleda. Samad piirangud kehtivad ka nende perekonnaliikmetele.
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